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Good news

After many months of issues with being able to stay up to date with this blog there is now a light at the end of the tunnel….I FINALLY have my own computer at home to work on 🙂 so you all can expect more of me from here on out ^_^

Looking forward

Recently there have been a lot of changes I’m personal life that have caused changes within myself. In all the chaos I’ve neglected this blog and all the subscribers who read my posts. So I want to provide you guys with worthwhile and great content for your enjoyment. So give me some feedback and info of what you guys would like to see from me. Much love to everyone and I’ll see you soon

At a stand still

For the past three days I’ve been a bit of a upset mood. I feel disconnected from everything again, as if i’m starting to become distant with everything and everyone. I’m not the kind of person who claims that my problems are more sever then anyone else’s but there my problems for a reason, and I will take them worse because it involves my personal life. I’m frustrated that every time it feels as if I’m finally moving forward with my life I suddenly find myself being pulled back to where I’ve been for so long. This applies to every part of my personal life, whether it’s school, family or my love life, I feel like I’m going no where and it really hurts. I’m going to stay strong and keep pushing forward because i know I have to and I wont be stuck in a pit of self loathing. Anyways thank you all for your continued support. I hope to add fresh content for you all every soon, mrdanzig out.

back with a vengeance

Now that I’ve refocused myself to writing i fell like I’ve really re lit my fire! Im staring a new project right now as we speak! Its a brand new story that ive been thinking about writing for some time but I havent found the dive till now. I will keep you all posted as the project gets going. Thanks again for all your support everyone 😀

Heart in a cage

Its been some time since I’ve posted anything on my blog and i feel like if i don’t get back to this now i never will. For the past few weeks I’ve been in a bit of metal isolation and I’ve struggle to escape from it, I really don’t understand what it is but I’ve always been the kind of person where if my hearts not fully into it..i just cant do it and my heart just hasn’t really been into anything recently causing my personal life as well as my projects to be effected negatively. I have not had much progress in my writing recently and it really pains me to be this way, because writing is a really big part in my life….and i feel like I’ve become detached from it for to long. With all of this in mind i will do my best to re focus myself and take my life back from the rut i have made for myself. I’m going to get my mind and heart of this cage i created for it. You will all be seeing more from me in the near future i can promise you that 🙂 Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this, you guys are all the best.

Journals (class assignment)


Money has been really hard to come by these days, to the point where I don’t have enough to eat sometimes. My breakfast this morning was comprised of 2 small packets of jello and a cup of sink water. I’m not complaining cause I know some people have even less then that but I can fight my constant feeling of hunger all day. You see, I’m 6’3, I’m not a small person at all and I love food, so naturally this translates to the fact that I need to eat A LOT. My lack of a real breakfast these past few days has really put a damper on my mood, I mean come on, would you really feel like having a good old fashion time with your stomach feeling like a bottomless acid pit? I need to find a job as soon as I can if I want to start eating right again, but as we all know in this economy that’s really easier said then done.



Today looks like it’s going to be a good day already. I woke up feeling energized and focused, and having tacos for breakfast never hurts ether. I’m extremely excited to have my own blog online right now, this have been a bit of a dream for me for some time now but I just never allowed myself to go through with it. I have this fear that my writing will be considered inferior and will be cast out by most people. I have to get over this dilemma and concur that fear if I ever hope to get anywhere with my writing. I’m grateful to have a class that’s made it part of its curriculum to create an online blog, I feel like I finally have the push I needed to make this happen, and I wont let myself down this time.



So far im finding it a little harder to make friends in college then I thought it would be. Its very difficult to approach people in this kind of environment since were not really required to talk to each other as much as we were in high school. Its still the very first week of class so I’m not going to think to much about it, there is still plenty of time to get to know people on campus. Im glad that I do have some friends that go to this school with me as well cause at the end of the day I can still always hang out with them and we can kill some time together, that is when I can actually manage to find them. This campus is so massive that I get lost half the time when I’m looking for someone. Add in the fact that I still don’t know the names of any buildings and your looking at a sheep lost in the woods pretty much. I end up using landmarks rather then using the numbered building system that everyone else is using, which always results in immediate confusion for both parties. I’m sure with time I will learn this school an know it like the back of my hand, emphasis on the word time, cause It will take me awhile.



I reached a new milestone today! My blog on has now reached 11 followers! I know it doesn’t sound like much but it means the world to me. Its nice to see that some people actually take interesting in what I’m writing about, its given me ever more fuel to keep working on making that blog the best that it can be. I’d like to continue added content possibly everyday if that’s possible, but I’m only human and I don’t want to burn myself out and start to hate my writing. So ill take this one step at a time and see where it takes me.


Yesterday night when I got home I found out that my family had tacos and pizza for dinner. This statement may not mean a lot to some people but to me this was terrible. I can’t believe they ate that without me! Those are literally two of my favorite foods in the whole world and they ate both on the same day while I was at school? Whenever I’m home we eat vegetable soup or salad of something but I’m starting to notice a tread were when ever I’m gone all the good food suddenly comes out. This has happened multiple times before and if it happens again I’m going to start asking questions!


Today I took a multiple intelligence test in my class. After taking the test is saw that I scored very high in the musical intelligence category. When researching carriers for this I found that the most common ones tend to be musicians, songwriter, composers, and stuff like that. Its actually not a big stretch for me to believe. I love music and its been a part of my life for many years, so its only natural to want to be a part of that scene. I’ve been song writing since high school already and I love singing on my off time when I get the chance so maybe I should try exploring that option. I’ve had a dream of being in a band for so many years now, only to be stopped by my own self-doubt. This test could prove to be the push I needed to get that part of my life growing. I’m planning on taking a singing class next semester so that should work well with this goal. Music is my life, so I owe it to my self to try


I’m really excited about this whole children’s book project that were working on. I’ve decided to team up with my brother and turn this project into a co collaboration. I will right the book while he illustrates it, and together we will try to create something unique and immersive in the world of children’s books. The characters we have designed have a real charm to them and with the right story I think we might really have something special on our hands. I’m hoping that this story turns out well so because id really like to take a crack at publishing it when were done. Brothers working together to complete each others dreams, cant get much better then that.


I took my placement tests today for math and English. The English test went really smoothly and I’m confident that in passes that sucker with flying colors. Now math…that’s a whole different story…I totally botched my first math bad that they recommended I retake the test but at the lower level to increase my chance of passing. I felt pretty embarrassed to be honest but its just part of life, we cant all be good at everything and its clear math is not my strong suit. Ill have to make sure I get as much help as I can for my math class if I have any hope passing that class, wish me luck.


I’m starting to grow extremely concerned with my children’s book right now. The project is dew next week and I’m only about 70% done with the writing. On the other side my illustrator has only done one page…that’s not good. I know that there’s still time to salvage this project but times not on our side right now. If I cant finish the story and he cant do the art work then we are pretty much dead in the water at this point. All my hopes and dreams are riding on this book and its completion…lets hope this cause isn’t a hopeless one.


I’m  still waiting for my stupid English placement test scores to come in! They told me that they would be on my Thursday of this week, well guess what its Thursday and there’s still not here! They have to get here as soon as possible if I even want a chance in getting the English class I need. This whole situation is extremely frustrating to me right now to be honest. Why cant you just take the classes you want and or need and avoid all of this needless time wasting, its completely pointless! Idk school shouldn’t have to be this hard but I guess that’s  just part of life, I just needed a place to vent.


It’s the last few days of school already; it feels like time has really flown by. This class has become one of my favorite classes I’ve ever had the privilege of taking. Its given me even more of a love for my righting and I’ve learned a lot about myself as a writer. My teacher is smart, funny and most important personable, I feel like he actually cares about this class and the work we do in it. With his help this first semester back in college has been a wonderful one indeed. I’ve made some pretty cool friends in the class as well and I hope when its over we call all still keep in touch and maybe go out for some tacos together. I guess I found a home here and I’m really sad that its going to end soon, I guess every bird has to fly its coup. The class maybe ending but the memory’s and things I’ve learned will live on inside me for as long as I keep my passion for writing and if this class is any indication then that will last till the rest of my lif

Food for thought (friends, family, and loved ones)


Im in class right now so i don’t have time to make this an especially long post. I just wanted to tell everyone to show everyone you care about how much they mean to you whenever you get the chance to. We take for granted all the people we love because we think there always going to be there but one day you might wake up and see that there gone. Your going to be left wondering what did you do wrong and wish you had more time with that person, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Every day when you see them tell them and show them how amazing they are, i promise you they will appreciate it. Whether its friends, family or the person you love, show them how much you want them in your life.

just food for thought, Mr.danzig out!

we used to be friends (random rant)

Sometimes your best friend can turn out to be your worst enemy. For a long time I’ve lived and died by a certain not so recommend life style, procrastination. Growing up i always thought it was my friend, hell we would waist to much time together doing next to nothing but now that I’m older I’m starting to find procrastination is only doing one thing for me, screwing me over! I think its finally time i sat down with procrastination, pour her a nice cold drink and tell her its been fun but we should see other other people; where just not right for each other anymore. The only problem is…its way to freaking hard to stop something you have done you’re whole life! They say old habits die hard, I’d like to say that phrase to be reworded to “Old habits just don’t freaking die! Unless you shoot them with a freaking shotgun” Not quite as elegant as the original saying but i think it gets the point across better. Anyways i just needed to rant for a second…which is actually another form of procrastination…omg…there’s no escaping it!